Please Sign Our Petitions!

Petition to Extend Carnegie Hill Historic District one block so as to include Historic East 93rd Street. Please click on the link and add your name to the list:

Petition to Co-Name East 93rd Street ‘Marx Brothers Place’ in honor of the extant childhood home of the Comic Icons. Please click on the link and add your name to the list:

Published on March 3, 2008 at 9:00 pm  Comments (120)  

120 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. thank you for this site!! I am forwarding it to many friends in the bloggosphere and the NY theatre press. I hope we can get the ball rolling. Please contact me as I’d love nothing more than to have a Marx Brothers parade up Lex on October 2nd (Groucho’s Birthday)


  3. I am so proud that someone would begin a petition such as this to save a historic area in New York real estate. Developers ARE most definitely demolishing for the profit all over our country and not caring one bit about what is HISTORICALLY important. What does this teach our children? That’s a question that we need to think about, as they are the ones who will continue to care for this earth once WE are gone.

  4. I,too, think the parade is one of the finest, if not the best of all ideas to be presented in a forth right and forthcoming manner in many, and I mean many a moon. To rival only the St Patrick’s Day parade, which parades on another famous NY avenue, the participation of the following should be made mandatory, if not, boydatory.

    The New York Historical Society
    The Metroploitan Museum of Art
    The Museum of Natural History
    The Museum of Television and Radio
    THe New York Times
    The New York Chapter of The Ancient Hibernians
    The St. Nicholas League
    The Morgan Library
    Colonial Dames of New York
    NY Sons of the American Revolution
    The Museum of the City of New York
    New York Society Library
    Children’s Museum of Manhattan
    THe Shubert Organization
    The Marshall Chess Club
    The Tennants Association of the Dakota Apartments
    The School for Ethical Culture
    The New York City Ballet
    The Straphangers Association
    Symphony Space

    With these fine institutions behind you, the world’s most remembered parade would take its first step. Why, I will, even, personally volunteer to be Grand Marshall. Just forward some letterhead, and two boxtops from Wheaties, (and some postage) and off like the wind, shall be your invitation to these offices to send representatives to march an autumn afternoon uptown.
    In all seriousness, this seems like a very good idea to make the whole upper east side aware of your cause, obtaining a permit for parading would be the first inclination. Secondly, I would offer to draw up a letter of invitation of particpation to be sent to any and all, of your approval.

    Michael D. Carey

    cc: Mr. Whitmore
    Mrs. DuMont

  5. Places like this need to be saved

  6. Save the home and make it into a museum of Marx Brothers memorablia that will be available for future generations. We can not stress how important this is. The Marx brothers instilled hope in Americans when we needed it the most ie the depression and during the World Wars. They are recognized the world over. The world is watching to see how Americans treat it’s piublic treasures and the Marx Brothers were ours!

  7. The Marx Brothers still stand as monumental geniuses who mixed great intelligence with slapstich humor in ways that have never been equaled. Do not take away this piece of history at a time where we can learn from them and need to revisit their lessons.

  8. Id love to help in any i can.The Marx Brothers are pure geniuses!!……………Nino

  9. Why is this even an issue??? This should have been done YEARS AGO….perhaps decades. The Marx Brothers were WAYYYYYYYY ahead of their time and I am STILL amazed at the chemistry they bring to the screen. Never again in our lifetime will we ever experience the brilliance of such talented, but all so DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER geniuses. From the manic comedy of all involved to the ALMOST TOO TOUCHING glimpses of Harpo: who let us PEEK inside his soul while playing his harp…….it is not dated, it never gets old….it is still RELEVANT…..and if they do NOT get this honor, I shall be ashamed of Hollywood forever. Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo….you guys were ONE OF A KIND!!!!
    Kev-O Arnold

  10. A superb website and tribute to the world’s greatest actors!

  11. If I am not too late in signing this petition, please, please preserve this American landmark. Nothing says “good ole’ American humor” than the Marx Brothers.

  12. It’s time to look at preservation in this city, not demolition of sites that have helped build our inclusive cultures.

    Let’s keep the Marx brothers home ass it is for the future generations of comedians and those who appreciate them.

  13. Please save the house on 93rd Street. I have grown up watching the Marx Brothers and they deserve to have the street and house named after them.
    Thank you,
    Sandra Bettinger

  14. Even though I am not American, we are too fond of forgetting our heritage. America is a fairly new country, lets remember the good thing its provided to the pool of human culture. The Marx Brothers certainly qualify for that distinction.

  15. I am fan of the boys and i say lets keep their childhood historical, for when fans like me walk by there in the future, they can say “hey thats where the famous marxes grew up!!!!

  16. please leave this area untarnished. this area is a piece of american history.

  17. people are always trying to destroy historic sites, institutions, landmarks, etc. all in the ” name of progress. leave this site alone. the marx brothers were truly blessed by GOD.

  18. Please do save the childhood home of the Marx Bros. Its the ‘stuff the American Dream is made of.”


    ON THIS DAY OF 30th. OF MARCH 2009.

  20. the MARX BROS.childhood home is an “HYSTERICAL” land-mark! A relic of an America that no longer exists! Pleease for once keep the greedy developers hands off these precious few land-marks!!

    neal sausen/03-30-09

  21. Even though I live in California, I totally agree that the home (and others in the vicinity) should be spared from the GREEDY ONES. If you make it out to the west coast you can see the monstrocities being built here. Why would you destroy something so culturally relevent to put up another ugly box? Progress schmogress! Those boys were the greatest. Please save the home(s)on 93rd.

  22. I am a huge fan of the Marx Brothers and do not want to see any part of that historical site turned over to greedy developers. It is one of the few places in New York City that still captured some of what NY used to be back at the turn of the century. I have signed the petition and I am hoping that others follow suit.

  23. As a long time fan of the Marx Brothers, I recently learned of the plan to demolish Marx Brothers Place. This would be a great tragedy, as the Marx Brothers are as much a part of New York history and culture as Woody Allen, the Great White Way and Mayor LaGuardia.

    It’s important to remember during this time of economic turmoil that the boys from East 93rd street helped Americans forget their troubles during the Great Depression.

    Please don’t tear down this historic landmark!

  24. In the name of decent, funny, and priceless humor, and in memory of the great Marx Brothers, PLEASE save this neighborhood! We owe it to all of our future generations to save this historic piece of NYC — once it’s gone, it can never come back, so please have a heart, and save it!!!!!

  25. I LOVED The Marx Bros. since I was a kid!!
    Having a street named after name…..long overdue!!!

  26. Save anything Marx. Those fellows were – ARE – a national treasure. Too many of our precious places are falling under the wrecking ball, a metaphor for the continuing loss of context in our lives as our memories are paved over for real estate interests.

  27. Hello, All

    The Marx Bros., great Americans, Great comedians, great entertainers Save this home for a land-mark for future generations!

  28. As Harpo would say, ” .”

    (Leave it be)

  29. I am a New York Studios film historian who has been trying to preserve or at least mark historic sites related to the motion picture industry in and around New York. The site of the Marx Brothers home is another site that contributes to the cultural history of New York City and should be discussed before any drastic action is taken to remove it.

  30. Some things are too valuable to lose!

  31. Most developers have a poor sense of history and City Councils often let profits and money get in the way of heritage issues and good planning. Don’t let them do this! Next they’ll be wanting to fill in the Hudson and build a water park.

    Fight the to the last drop!

    Alpheus Williams

  32. Hello! I must be going… Save the Marx Brothers house.

  33. The Marx Brothers are an American treasure!

  34. Anything to help preserve the timeless cinematic contribution of gummo!!!

  35. I’m always astonished, after Americans are so impressed with how ‘old’ things are in London, that they are willing and almost eager to destroy their own heritage!

    The Marx Bros. are hugely important in the history of entertainment and comedy in particular, around the world, and especially here in the UK.

    New York has already torn down the original ‘Met.’ where Caruso sang. By contrast, the hugely important Apollo Theatre has been saved. Please, please don’t tear down anything to do with the Marx Bros. Indeed, preserve their gouse and start promoting it. It could prove a gigantic tourist attraction, once we know where it is!

  36. This is tragic! It must be saved!!

  37. Before I speak, I have something important to say.

    Well, Art is Art, isn’t it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.

    A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.

    And just remember, a man’s only as old as the woman he feels.

    Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.

    I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn’t it.

  38. I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes thinking of the prospect of yet another part of history being destroyed by thoughtless development.

    Please preserve this, and other historical landmarks in NYC and throughout Our Nation.

    Once they’re gone, they’re gone forever.

    The Marx Brothers and their descendants deserve nothing less.

  39. This is a most important New York Historic Landmark & it should/MUST be marked & or preserved to show our future generations that the ORIGINAL KINGS OF THE OUR AMERICAN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTREY came from immigrant very humble origins, yet rose to the heights of legendary proportions due to their drive, self motivation, talents and want to rise above their ghettos and stand on their own without help of our Goverment to financially make posable their existance and rise in self estime! John K. Carpenter (NY Indie Film Maker & Historian)

  40. I love “hysterical landmark.” It’s not a matter of greed versus righteousness so much as seeing all the costs and benefits including intangibles.

  41. The marx brothers house needs to be saved!!!!

  42. The Marx Brothers are a PERSONAL and NATIONAL AND WORLDWIDE treasure. Generations far removed from the time the Marx Brothers lived, are still often have their first introduction to the world of comedic mayhem through their movies. They were and are beloved geniuses whose roots are historically important to all the generations yet to come who will be watching their movies and laughing as loudly as the first who saw them on stage. Please recognize the importance of being able to understand and experience THEIR roots by preserving this historical site.

  43. If we must must name our streets after historically significant individuals, then the Marx Brothers are certainly worthy of such honors. This is a form of Marxism I fully approve!

  44. God Bless America!

  45. If it is History! It show our history to out children and our children childrens…

  46. I hope the Marx Brothers’ home will soon be officially protected by the city of New York. So much of New York City’s history is hidden in plain sight, and we need to preserve and remember the people and places that made it all possible.

  47. Please consider the history of your city. As a tourist its not much fun going to a place to be shown a modern building or carpark and to be told.. This is where [X]
    Used to be

  48. In a thousand years (if the folks who say everything will end in 2012 are wrong) folks will be watching THE MARX BROTHERS ’cause their films are timeless.

    It would be cool if the people of our time did what it takes to preserve where Minnie’s boys grew up because that will have more cultural and economic value than whatever condo gets erected should the developers succeed.

    There comes a moment when discerning folks realize that what many call progress isn’t.

  49. I’m english and such would not be happening if this were the childhood home of one of The Beatles. The Marxes were much funnier and better musicians if it comes to that and I will come to that . Why if Groucho were alive today he’d be amazed and so would we . This building cannot be demolished least of all because I haven’t been there yet ,-but then there are many places I haven’t been, like the bank this morning for instance – but for all the many reasons detailed in the comments by others above . Desist I say and remember this world would be a better place for Marx fans is the property developers had to eat the spinach.

  50. Please save the Marx Brothers home! This is truly a landmark! I wish I can be able to visit it one day!

  51. Thanks very much for your blog. Will eb back!

  52. ive been a big fan of the marx bros.since i was 11 years old. im 57 now.please let there home be.

  53. The Marx Brothers have brought and continue to bring more joy and happiness to the world than a condominium development could ever hope to achieve – save the past and continue to bring laughter to the future!

  54. They need to save the Block the Marx Brothers are part of our History. They gave us so much we should name the Block after them and save the Block how dare they to try and tear it down in the First Place. Please HELP!! Keep the Block.

  55. Please DO NOT tear down the Marx Brothers childhood home. They are my absolute favorite hollywood icon, and it would absolutely break my heart to hear of their home being torn down. It could be a great place for a Marx Brother museum.


  57. Save this beautiful home. It is part of history!

  58. I made my friend take a photo of me in front of the Marx’s house in 2000. It’s real landmark!

  59. Maybe I should add.. I’m an English tourist, and that was so important to me1

  60. Its ridiculous that in a country so new that it is to a degree, devoid of the historical buildings that americans flock to see when they visit europe, that the policticians and the government will not protect beautiful historic buildings like these for generations to come. I fully believe that demolishing the home of the Marx brothers for the sake of developers greed is criminal.

  61. hey thats not right marx bros made history they saved everyone elses childhood place from hundreds of years back marx bros are my idols and ill do it for them they did us a favor by giving us joy threw the depprission lets do them a favor by saving there house

  62. PLEASE!!! Do not destroy MARX BROTHERS Place!!!! I will be majorly dissappointed.

    Sorry, I’m from Australia. HUGE Marx Brothers fan…

    Let the Legend live on, and HAVE New York still maintain this area of historic culture…….For the love of MOSES!! ><


  63. We are all about “looking good” these days but that doesn’t have to mean tearing down the old and building the bigger new. Beauty is in the preservation and appreciation of the old. It is what gives NYC its true character.

  64. History & the remembrances of history should never be altered so that time may replace & help forget what genious’s we had among us, what their origins were like & how they had the drive to overcome & become world famous in our lifetimes & in the future lifetimes of others of our species that need the reminding that determination comes from the humblest beginings & doesnt need a handout to get up to the ladder’s top!

  65. Save the Marx Bros Home. As a founder of Manhattan Punch Line Theatre Company, which eventually got evicted from our home on 41st St in Manhattan, I feel strongly that the great Marx Bros home should be protected from development and saved as a landmark for all time, just as their film and TV performances are preserved.

  66. It is nearly impossible to fight NYU and/or the Real Estate Industry who have a rock-hard stranglehold on local politics and media.

    Others have tried. They have failed.

    Let’s give this our best shot. This one’s a no-brainer. If we can’t preserve this we’re lost.

  67. Maybe it can be converted into a museum!

  68. Please Save this histoical site.

  69. I am currently reading Harpo’s book, “Harpo Speaks!” where he tells his story about growing up in that house and how he and his brothers launched their careers. The Marx Brothers home should be a landmark, the rich history associated with that house and what it was like growing up in the early 1900’s needs to be preserved, this should have been done long ago.

  70. i am more than happy to sign this pettition any one who loves comedey and history should sign .scott stewart 28 sydney australia

  71. i am in australia and would love to know when i hit new york i can see the house on 93 rd and enjoy what is left of true great history and pioneers that did shape entertainment
    hope this petition is a success from scott stewart 28 sydney australia

  72. the MARX brotheres are the best hi grow up washing the moves am 45 new and still love them hi have all the moves the made b a johnson 25 8 2009

  73. the MARX BROS.childhood it is HYSTERICAL”land-mark the usa B A JOHNSON /25/03/2009/

  74. Long live the Marx Brothers and their childhood home. Irreplaceable once it’s gone. Too many treasures have been destroyed by greed and so-called progress. Don’t let it happen to the Marx Brothers roots.

  75. Please keep our history alive. Save the Marx bro. birth place,it’s part of our lives growing up watching the boys films.

  76. Please save the Marx Brothers childhood home!!

  77. This is American history!

  78. long live the marx brothers!

  79. Please protect these homes!

  80. Mr. Hammer’s land auction in “Coconuts” ain’t got nuthin’ on the crooked real estate deals that could go down if Marx Brothers Place does not join the New York City Historic Register Proper. At the very least, get a street sign in place. In mean, if Regis Philbin could score on Bronxdale Avenue….and he isn’t even funny!

    Please waste no time in keeping this historic corner of New York preserved for future generations to enjoy. Who knows? In another eighty years, folks might take the 2nd Avenue Subway to see it–if that’s not wishful thinking!

    Paul Cavalconte

  81. Save the History .

  82. Thank you for letting the world know about the possible destruction of a family of American Comedy Legends.
    We as a country have an appalling tendency to disregard and destroy our past. One can see the influence of the Marx Brothers in today’s culture; from the funny mustache, glasses and hunched walk of Groucho that i saw recently on an episode of Phineus and Ferb, to the silent and absurd Harpo retold in the Silent Bob character of Kevin Smith. The home of the Marx Brothers should be a national treasure, not in a landfill

  83. Our family enjoys watching the Marx Brothers and they are part of American History so their home is part of that History.

  84. The hysterical birthplace of “LEGENDS” should be saved as The Marx Brothers are as popular today as they were yesterday. Save the site so further generations can understand why they were so popular

  85. Whenever there is a rerun I watch them. Pure GENIUS! Has anyone ever played the harp like Harpo?

  86. Cool blogpost, I didn’t thought it would be so cool when I saw the title with link!

  87. I agree there must be a way to save these buildings

  88. please save it harpo marx is my hero and inspiretion if it werent for him i dont noe where id be

  89. You Yanks should learn to have a sense of history.The Marx Brothers have gone around the world and touched as many people as the great English and Spanish explorers have all together.Save what bit of history you have.(200+ years is only a blip)Cherish the icons you have produced(including the 3 stooges and Abbot & Costello)Lets see in 50 years if a tribute is left standing.

  90. We must preserve what we really should see as hallowed ground; for if we destroy the venerable edifaces that are historically linked to our past, we will never be able to regain the spirit and essence of what is as much of our collective as Valley Forge, fhe American Bison, Apple Pie a nd Baseball in the Summer.

    Ley’s save and preserve what we can of our own American Culture, cultivating in the generations to come a true appreciation of what performers such as the Marx Brothers were and are to America and the Whole World.

  91. We must preserve what we really should see as hallowed ground; for if we destroy the venerable edifaces that are historically linked to our past, we will never be able to regain the spirit and essence of what is as much of our collective as Valley Forge, fhe American Bison, Apple Pie a nd Baseball in the Summer.

    Let’s save and preserve what we can of our own American Culture, cultivating in the generations to come a true appreciation of what performers such as the Marx Brothers were and are to America and the Whole World.

  92. Save the birth of their humor. PS Honk! Honk!

  93. please do not mess with that street or neighborhood. it is pure americana!!! those boys gave us more than most will ever know about life, period….. do not mess with that place!!!!! if you do, i’ll dig up some of the boy’s that would stop this conversation really quick!!!!!!! over….. here…..

    guy r. etheredge.

  94. Please don’t let this happen to this great past. Harpo was my idle and im a harpist also! I was a fan of the Brothers in the 70’s and still am. You developers keep your mutts off the Marx’s Place!!!!

    thank you!

  95. Hi,
    I wish you success, there is to much of this
    from beautifull Buildings of interest to the
    rain Forests, they cannot be replaced,
    its time to call a halt to these money grabbing
    empires with a little e .
    my favourit marx film was when harpo played his harp
    to a painting of a beautiful woman in a secret room
    in a lift shaft I can’t remember the name of the film
    but that to me was the best of Harp
    Best of luck.

  96. “Please do save the childhood home of the Marx Bros. Its the ’stuff the American Dream is made of.”

    These were ralented guys especially Harpo.

  97. John Wayne’s birthplace is a national monument as is Jimmy Stewart’s. The Marx Brothers are in the same league as these giants of film royalty, and are very deserving of their place in history.Please preserve the past for future generations.

    Brad Carter
    5 Jan 10

  98. Please save this building. It is a symbol of the source of immense joy to millions of people.


  99. For the love of God what is wrong with these people!

  100. I’m signing! This is so important to save this place! I’d do anything to save the Marx Brother’s home. They were amazing!!! Marx Forever!!!

  101. Once it is gone…it is gone forever… Please preserve the Marx Bros childhood home.. Some things just don’t have a price .. They are to be left alone. For gosh sakes..Somebody should be smart enough to see that what they did for comedy cannot be duplicated. With respect for our heritage… Let it stand… Build around it…Show some compassion for this piece of American Culture.

  102. The MARX BROS. childhood home is a historical land-mark simply because they are a relic of a time in America that no longer exists. Please for once break the cycle we have of erasing the history to build yet another strip mall or parking lot! We can all deal without the new super Walmart of whatever asinine thing they wanna build there.

  103. Desde Argentina:

    no tiren abajo la casa de los Hermanos Marx. Ojalá pueda preservarse. Ellos forman parte de la cultura planetaria y debemos cuidar su memoria. Fueron benefactores. Nos dieron alegría.

    Daniel Ponce

  104. Por favor, piensen en el legado de estos artistas.

    Larga vida a los Marx!!!

  105. i will sign the Petition

  106. i want to sign it

  107. Who owns the house at present? Is it a private owner or the city? I would think mr Bloomberg would have no problem with saving this historic home.

  108. we need to save the home of the marx brothers!!!!!they gave so munch joy& laughter to so many it is fitting that we kept their memory & home for future generations to enjoy as they discover the magic of the marx brothers. we love them!!!!!!!

  109. Having met and gotten to, know Groucho Marx at age 83 in 1974 when I was the ripe old age of 15 years old, until he death in 1977, I must tell you that… for the youth of today it could ONLY benefit them in every way. Socially, spiritually, physically etc as it did for me, at such a young age. I had time to “Sit and Smell the Roses” (“Show me a Rose or Leave me Alone” as Groucho sang so many times over his 70 year career.) I Ingested, Masticated and Regurgitate (gross expression but true) the information obtained to better understand and appreciate MY LIFE!

    Today, things moves so fast, In fact TOO fast. By the time a child gets the newest “X-box”, there are five newer incarnations, they are looking forward to obtaining. Never to appreciate what is right in front of them. This is called the “Consumer Mentality” I hear. Good word for it. things are “consumed” and no longer “enjoyed” for their value.

    I saw and lived though, the first Rocket and subsequent steps on the moon, LIVE on TV. The Kennedy Assassinations, I met Martin Luther King and Indira Ghandi in when I attended Kindergarten at the Riverside Church, the “Civil War” (Age Joke), “The Vietnam War (Truth), The Beatles on Ed Sullivan and Mick Jagger when he was 18 years old, Weird, huh? All these events and more back in the 1960’s.

    This was a very rich period of History. SO IS TODAY. The War in Iran, 9/11, Possible end of a species, several times over. The Mountain Gorilla due to poaching and Civil Unrest, the Grey Wolf to name but only a few. Proposition 8 (the actual removal of already granted rights to out people. Citizens of the United States of America. (Aside, no where in the Bible does it mention Marriage as between a man and a woman. Marriage is simply by definition the “Union between TWO PEOPLE in a committed and loving relationship. Is there really something known as the separation of Church and State? I don’t there ever has been as the list, can go on and on.

    The House that “Ruth” built is the house that Greed and “Consumers” tore down. I lived through the fairest renovation of the Yankee Stadium when the removed the Steel girders which obscured so many views from the bleachers. Now, all that stands next to a newer and bigger Stadium COMPLX and quite frankly typical looking structure is simply “Gate 9” which stands like an sad arch and resembles the occupation of Europe and the holocaust itself as well the remnants of the WTC. Just tear it down too. It hurts to see it so disfigured and reminiscent of the worst catastrophe ever on U.S. soil.

    Why the History lesson? Just to illustrate that we do and have increasingly grown to live (at a ferocious pace)in a disposable society. Entire “Ma and Pa” businesses well over a hundred years old gone, for new and Non-Service oriented machines , raking in money, no matter what planned obsolescent crap they force upon us. Yeah, I get it. A “Recession” although no one will admit to it actually being a “Depression” The world of commerce is to big to replicate the catastrophe of the 1929 crash, but is IS a DEPRESSION and we know it.

    Back to the Marx Brothers from a history point of view. The ONLY thing that kept the morale of the U.S. people, (The community of Man) so destitute up, in a time when life seemed no longer worth living, (evidenced by the jumpers after the stock market Crash) was a film which opened in 1929 called the Cocoanuts staring the Marx Bros. and other films of the time “King Kong” (Comedy/Fantasy) where people could go to escape the terror and daily fears of Life on Life’s Term’s.” Escape it even if only for ninety minutes or so.

    The marx Brothers where not just movie actors but a piece of History and helped us in wading through one of the most difficult and devastating financial crisis in the last one hundred years of our recent history.

    I’m not sure why this particular block was left out of the Historic “Clinton Hill” section. Several colonials have already been demolished. This is a travesty and frankly an insensitive oversight to tear down the Childhood home of 5 brothers who not only were part of history, but have given so much laughter to people, even in times when the word “Laughter” seemed like a word in another language to those who spoke the native tongue of placed like NYC.

    Please, reconsider this decision in losing yet another irreplaceable monument to the our culture, motion picture history and the great gift of laughter.

    As I’ve said earlier, Groucho ( I can still remember) who lived at 1083 Hillcrest Drive, Beverly hills CA, 90210 (213-CR 1-7769, had a tremendous effect on a young boy and many like me in shaping the appreciation of eras we had not even experienced ourselves and gave life to them, never letting them fall into the simple printed words/test which one can read but have not physical/bodily reference to appreciate.

    As an aside, Nowhere do I have this address or telephone number written down. At almost Fifty One years of age from age Fifteen, I still remember them as if it was yesterday that Groucho gave them to me. That is what I’m talking about. “The Roses” of appreciation. “Show us a Rose…” Please, “Show me a Rose.”

    Douglas S. Rowan
    201 West 79th Street. Apt 910-11
    New York, NY 10024-6205

  110. Hi from a Marx Brothers fan in England. Don’t know if I can sign the petition, not being a native of the city, but I really wish you all the best in saving the house, the brothers deserve the mark of respect that saving their childhood would show.

  111. The greatest comedians ever.

  112. Until I visited this site I wasn’t aware of the potential demolition. Just hope I am not too late.. RIP marx brothers..

  113. I have loved the Marx brothers since i was a boy..and i love the History and culture that makes New York such an amazing place..please for the sake of heritage and all that is Marx Brothers Place!!!

  114. C’mon! Just adding a few blocks to save an important landmark might just be enabling history to be shared for eons to come!
    Too important to ignore!
    The Marx Bros are an American legend!

  115. Yes the Marx Brothers place should be saved. I would like to help anyway I can.

  116. I am from Liverpool England and visited the home of the Marx Brothers on 93rd St back in 1993. It was an unforgettable experience. The possibility that these buildings could be demolished does not bear thinking about. It is a site of historic and cultural importance and should be preserved NOT destroyed!

  117. Please save the home of the greatest staight man ever,Zeppo and his three funny brothers Groucho, Harpo,
    Chico and the one brother who did not make any films, Gummo.

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  120. they always want to destroy the important historical reminders of what made this country SO GREAT to begin with! Witness the idiiots who want to demolish the historic “DIRIGIBLE HANGER” (Hanger no.1) at Moffett Field Calif. and now they cannot keep their greedy hands off “MARX BROS. PL??!!
    We must NOT allow this to happen!! Maybe we should “pressure” (shame) the appropriate politicians who represent the Marx’s home (area) to fix this NOW!!!!!!! You know they CAN be voted out of office next time around ‘ya know!
    I’m just say’in!
    Neal Sausen
    p.s. I reciently paid a visit to “GROUCHO” @ Eden Memorial pk. in San Fernando Ca. Amazing how such a “HUGE ICON” can fit into such a small space! BUT THAT WAS JULIUS for you!!

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